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Anti-graffiti films and anti-scratch films

Anti-graffiti films and anti-scratch films

The anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film protects smooth surfaces

Graffiti and scratches annually cause heavy financial losses on glass, plastic, metal surfaces and mirrors. In many cases the damaged areas have to be completely replaced. Our anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film provides excellent prevention!

The anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film is extremely robust

  • Production: The anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film is made of a highly resistant polyester foil. Our anti-graffiti sheet has a special adhesive layer which is resistant against moisture, condensation and UV radiation. The residues of the adhesive layer can be easily removed after the removal of the anti-graffiti sheet. The foil surface of our "anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film  is finished with a highly effective scratch-resistant coating.
Anti-graffiti-film for the protection of glass surfaces
  • Operation: Our anti-graffiti- and anti-scratch film is crystal clear, so for the offender not identifiable. The offender is suggested that he has destroyed the attacked surface. After the spray, or scratch attack the anti-graffiti sheet can easily be removed because of the easily releasable adhesive. The attacked area under the anti-graffiti sheet remains intact. A costly installation and removal of the damaged area is not necessary. The anti-graffiti sheet also offers an integrated UV absorber which protects interior objects from optical whitening.

The application areas of the anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film are diverse

  • Town Halls, administrations, hospitals, train stations, airports
  • Building facades, shop windows
  • Schools, kindergartens, day care centers
  • Buses, trains, stations
  • Nightclubs, toilets, levators

The installation of the anti-graffiti and anti-scratch film can be done inside or outside

Depending on the application area, we recommend the inside, outside or special installation of the anti-graffiti film:

  • Indoor installation: Inside the room the anti-graffiti sheet can be applied to any smooth glass surfaces, mirrors, metal surfaces.
  • Outdoor installation: For the prevention of graffiti and scratches on windows, light boxes, stairs, balconies, elevators outdoors we recommend our highly resistant and externally installable anti-graffiti foil. This anti-graffiti foil was especially designed for extreme weather conditions outside.
  • Special installation: For synthetic glass we recommend the installation of our anti-graffiti sheet "anti-graffiti 6K". This was especially developed for the specific characteristics of synthetic glass, such as Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), acrylic, polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), Perspex, Plexiglas, etc.

The anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film is available in different strengths

  • Interior installation on glass:
    123 my ("Anti-Graffiti 4" for the protection against graffiti)
    173 my ("Anti-Graffiti 6" for the prevention of graffiti and scratch damages)
  • Exterior installation on glass:
    173 my ("Anti-Graffiti 6" for the protection against graffiti and scratches)
  • Exterior installation on synthetic glass:
    173 my ("Anti-Graffiti 6K" for the prevention of graffiti and scratch damages)

The anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film protects surfaces under the foil

The benefits of our anti-graffiti sheet can be briefly summarized as follows. Our anti-graffiti sheet

  • provides effective protection against graffiti and scratches for smooth surfaces
  • ensures that the area under the anti-graffiti sheet stays undamaged
  • is clear, so not apparent to the offender
  • can be easily removed due to the special adhesive
  • provides a highly effective UV absorber which protects ovjects against fading
  • has a against humidity and condensation resistant acrylic self-adhesive layer
  • does not loose its adhesive strength even at high temperature fluctuations
  • is maintenance-free, scratch-resistant and easy to clean

Long durability and warranty of the anti-graffiti and anti-scratch coating

Based on years of experience and extensive testing trials the manufacturer of the anti-graffiti film and scratch protection film grants a warranty of 10 years for flaking and yellowing for indoor installation, if the anti-graffiti sheet is properly installed and used. In our online-shop you can order anti-graffiti films and anti-scratch films. If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail to or call our hotline +49 8152 8474.