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Bird protection films for sustainable bird rescue

Bird protection films for sustainable bird rescue

Bird protection films protect birds from dying on windows and glass panes

Bird protection films for windows and glass panes are provided with a marking that is visible to humans and birds. They prevent the fatal collision of birds with glass surfaces by up to 97%. They are therefore an effective measure for sustainable bird protection.

The self-adhesive films have proven themselves in practice and are available in individually customizable designs. They have an adhesive layer that is resistant to humidity and condensation and do not lose their adhesive strength even with large temperature fluctuations.

The high-quality films are scratch-resistant, easy to clean and long-lasting.

Birds cannot see transparent windows - reflections are often deadly

Hundreds of thousands of birds die every day on windows and glass panes

Horizontal stripes - soundproof wall SVG Straßenverkehrsgenossenschaft München

An estimated 240,000 birds die every day in Europe alone on windows and glass panes. Transparent and reflective glass panes give birds the illusion that there is no space to fly.

Birds cannot recognize transparent glass surfaces as an obstacle. They only perceive the landscape behind them and try to reach it through the pane. Birds are also given the illusion of a landscape when the sky and trees are reflected in glass surfaces.

Bird protection films for soundproof walls can provide an effective solution here.

The bird protection film makes an important contribution to bird rescue

The bird protection film is provided with a marking that is visible to birds. It ensures that birds perceive windows and glass panes as obstacles and can avoid the obstacle in time. The bird protection film has proven itself in practice and makes an important contribution to bird rescue.

Areas of application for the self-adhesive bird protection film are noise barriers, glazed building facades, free-standing glass walls, glass walkways, winter gardens, corner windows, bus stops.

It can be retrofitted to all smooth glass and artificial glass surfaces.

Licensed black dots Eckelt 4BIRD®-V3067 - Glass wall Uptown Munich

An important criterion for success is the distance between the markings

Bird protection in a check design - soundproof wall Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Augsburg

One important criterion for success is the distance between the markings, which should be a maximum of 10 cm. Our bird protection film meets this requirement.

We would like to point out that individual bird of prey silhouettes are not suitable for deterring birds from flying through. One reason for this is that the bird of prey silhouettes do not move and therefore have no deterrent effect. Another reason is that if the distance between individual silhouettes is too small, birds are fooled into thinking they can fly through.

The bird protection films are installed on the bird`s approach side

Die Vogelschutzfolien werden dabei auf die Seite der Glasfläche angebracht, auf die die Vögel zufliegen (Anflugseite). Dies ist in der Regel die Außenseite der Glasfläche oder Kunstglasfläche. Bei freistehenden Glasscheiben oder Bushaltestellen kann dies auch die Innenseite sein. Die Vogelschutzmarkierungen würden andernfalls von den Eigen-Spiegelungen der Glasscheibe überlagert werden. Dies hätte zur Folge, dass die Schutzwirkung der Maßnahme beeinträchtigt wird.
Horizontal stripes after installation on the exterior glass side - Unterföhring school campus

Fullfilling the technical requirements of the State Association for Bird Protection

Lines acc. to Landesbund für Vogelschutz - Bus stop in the city of Unterschleißheim

A tried and tested solution is self-adhesive bird protection films with a matt white sandblast effect. The bird protection designs, which are protected by the von Kuester company, consist of highly effective checks, stripes, rectangles or dots (matt white sandblast effect).

What all of these films have in common is that they have proven themselves in practice and meet the technical requirements of the Bavarian State Association for Bird Protection for sustainable bird protection measures.

Buildings and panes of glass that are dangerous for birds can be retrofitted to be bird-friendly.

Tested bird protection from the Vienna Environmental Office available

We also offer bird protection films that correspond to the original dimensions of the WUA Vienna Environmental Office. The bird protection samples were tested in flight tunnel tests using the “Test method of the Hohenau-Ringeldorf Biological Station through the Flight Tunnel II” (the birds were intercepted by a special net during the test and were not harmed). The test results show the number of birds flying into the test facility at a percentage of up to 2.4%. This means that, mathematically, only 2.4 out of 100 birds fly into the marked window. If at least 90% of the birds avoid the marking (approaches under 10%), this is a highly effective measure.

The certified samples, which are protected by Eckelt, are therefore highly effective and can prevent the often fatal bird strike on glass surfaces.

Tested samples of the WUA Vienna Environmental Lawyers with a very high success rate

Visually attractive variants of bird protection films available

Bird protection design checks on a bus stop at Tegernsee train station

Our bird protection film is available in various attractive variants: stripes, dots, rectangles, lines or checks as shown in the example image on the left on a bus stop.

As an alternative, there are so-called bird stickers, which are barely perceptible to the human eye as a transparent film. The patented stickers color the bird of prey silhouettes with a UV marking that is only visible to birds. They prevent fatal collisions between birds and glazed surfaces and windows by up to 70%.

You are welcome to ask us about corresponding patterns according to your wishes!

Long durability and guarantee of the bird protection films

The self-adhesive film material is made of weather-resistant PVC that is not printed on but is completely dyed through (durability up to 10 years and more, guarantee 5 years).

This has the advantage of being significantly longer lasting than films that are produced using the so-called (screen) printing process. The latter are therefore – in our view – not recommended for the intended purpose. They are generally only intended for short to medium-term use (e.g. in trade fair construction). Even if these films are provided with a protective laminate, the guarantee for this film model is no more than 2-3 years.

In our online-shop you can order bird protection films. If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail to or call our hotline +49 8152 8474.