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UV-filter films against fading

UV-filter films against fading effects

UV-filter films for windows protect objects and colors against fading effects

UV radiation can cause high economic damages to objects, if the color structures are attacked and fading symptoms occur. Fading damages arise to about 40% by invisible ultraviolet radiation to about 40% by visible sunlight, heat radiation, and to about 20% by other factors such as UV-intensive showcase lighting. Normal glass lets UV-radiation in the for human beings invisible light wave range of 300 to 380 nanometers unhindered pass through. With our UV-filter film foil up to 100% of these aggressive UV radiation and economic damages can be set back.

The UV-control foil is self-adhesive and made of high-quality polyester

  • Production: Our UV-control foil consists of a crystal-clear or tinted polyester film. The coating is equipped with a special self-adhesive acrylic adhesive layer and is resistant to water and moisture. The surface of the UV protection sheet is finished with a scratch-resistant coating.
  • Operation: The absorption of the aggressive UV radiation is ensured by a highly effective UV absorber in the adhesive layer and the polyester material of the laminate. Objects can be exposed up to 4 times longer to daylight before fading symptoms occur. 
UV-Schutzfolie Schaufensterauslage

Numerous application areas characterize our UV-filter laminate

  • Residential and office rooms: With our UV control foil the original color structure of residential and office interior is ideally protected against bleaching. Especially rugs, tables, chairs, sofas and images preserve their color structures.
  • Shop windows: Goods in shop windows are particularly exposed to aggressive UV radiation. Our crystal clear or light gray tinted UV control foil provides excellent protection for this purpose. At the same time, our UV control coating ensures realistic color reproduction of the goods.
  • Exhibitions, museums: Rooms in museums and exhibitions are protected from the attack of aggressive UV radiation with our UV-control coating. Fading damanges to arts, exhibits in museums  and exhibitions can be delayed effectively with our UV control foil.
  • Technical production processes: Another application area of our UV control sheet are radiation sensitive production processes. Repro Institutes, printers, photo studios, companies of the PCB and chip industry are among our satisfied customers.
UV-Schutzfolie Lebensmittelbereich
  • Food industry: Also in the food sector substantial damages to goods are caused by UV radiation. Because our UV-control foil neither contains or secretes harmful pollutants, our UV control sheet can be safely used in the food industry. Cleaning and disinfection of the UV protection foil is possible withour problems with commercially available cleaning agents.
  • Health care: Aggressive UV radiation is responsible for sunburn and premature skin aging. By using our UV control foil you can protect yourself against these health risks. 

The installation of the UV-block is possible to any smooth glass types

The UV-Block coating can be applied perfectly to any smooth glass types. The coating of the glass with the UV-control sheet has to be done on the inside of the glass surface. In order to achieve an optimum UV protection, all the windows in the room should be coated.

A comprehensive and attractive product range is always in stock

Our UV-control foil is always in stock. It is available in the following attractive colors:
  • crystal clear, without loss of visibility and light
  • light gray tinted
  • daffodil yellow

Summary of all advantages of the UV-filter film

Our UV-filter foil
  • reduces aggressive uv-radiation up to 100%
  • protects objects inside the room effectively against the threat of prematurely fading
  • prevents sunburn and premature skin aging 
  • has a to humidity, condensation self-adhesive resistant acrylic adhesive
  • do not loose its adhesive strength at high temperature fluctuations
  • is maintenance-free and easy to use
  • is scratch resistant and easy to clean

Long durability and manufacturer`s warranty of the UV-block coating 

Based on years of experience and extensive testing attempts a manufacturer`s warranty of 10 years is granted for peeling and yellowing of the UV-protection foil for indoor installation, if the UV-control foil is properly installed and used. In our online-shop you can order UV-filter films. If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail to or call our hotline +49 8152 8474.